Sunshine Dental Office San Diego

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Mon-Thurs: 7:45AM-5PM
Fri: 7:45AM-1PM; Sat - by Appt.

Laser Dentistry

In striving for excellence in dental services and patient comfort, we use cutting-edge laser dentistry at Sunshine Dental Office. We use Picasso® laser technology with our soft-tissue, teeth whitening and periodontal procedures, providing a safe and efficient alternative to surgical systems. Picasso® is high tech and low stress system used for a variety of dental procedures, such a

  • Crown lengthening
  • Gingival (gum) resculpting


How does it work?

Picasso® is completely different from traditional dental tools. There is no pressure, no heat, and no vibration– just the laser and a delicate spray of atomized water. This diode laser is used to accurately and comfortably remove soft tissue, without affecting the surrounding teeth. The laser probe provide a bactericidal and detoxifying effect, reducing the risk of infection for dental patients.

What are the benefits?

Laser dentistry has a number of benefits, but one of the most important is patient comfort. Picasso®'s precision in dental treatment provides less bleeding, less operative swelling, less trauma and increased healing. This also allows faster patient recovery and lessens the need for pain medication.

Patients are able to come in and have their work done immediately, and don't have to wait hours just to eat!

Picasso® is a patient-friendly solution that allows Sunshine Dental Office to perform dental procedures faster and more comfortably for our patients.

Do you live in or around San Diego? Call us today to schedule an appointment and find out more about laser dentistry.

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